Welcome to B'nai Israel Synagogue

On behalf of our entire congregation, I would like to say welcome. No matter what brings you to Rochester, we want to be your Jewish home. Whether you and your family are relocating to Rochester or you are visiting Rochester to receive care at one of our local medical clinics and hospitals, we look forward to seeing you. B’nai Israel Synagogue provides worship services and holiday celebrations, education programs, congregational activities and hospitality to all who enter our doors.

As Rabbi, I serve both as spiritual leader of B’nai Israel Synagogue and Jewish chaplain of Mayo Clinic. Bridging the gap between practical and spiritual needs is an integral part of our mission. In other words, we are here to help.

Since our congregation was established over one hundred years ago, many things have changed in Rochester, but our commitment to warmly welcome those living in or visiting southeastern Minnesota has not.

I look forward to welcoming you to our Jewish home.

-Rabbi Michelle


Our Mission: 

Be a welcoming Jewish home for members, visitors and the local community for worship, 

study, friendship and support to increase the understanding and appreciation of Judaism.

From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times jemerman

When invited to create work for the Jerusalem Biennale (an international art exhibition held every two years in Jerusalem) last year, artist Archie Rand decided to depict "a grouping of Jewish heroes who are women, appearing in an underreported story that should have a painted monument sampling the collective."

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder jemerman

Passover is soon approaching! Below are some of our favorite Passover resources, selected to help your seder preparations go more smoothly.

Good Jewish Girl

Good Jewish Girl jemerman

I am a "good Jewish girl," curly hair, nice teeth, and loves wearing gold. A "good Jewish girl," who keeps a Star of David around her neck on the silver chain her mom bought her.

How The Collab Inspired Me

How The Collab Inspired Me jemerman

I've been involved with NFTY for a few years now, and the experiences and relationships I've gained have shaped who I am today. This year, I had the privilege of attending the NFTY Collab, a gathering that brings teens together from across North America to engage with each other, learn, and explore the future of Jewish life.